Saturday, July 21, 2007


I have always been interested in the various methods of analysing personality types. It is said the first rule of philosophy, psychology, and spirituality is "Know Thyself". It is also very useful when trying to help others or in the process of creating a balanced team. Here is a very simple method which is new to me.

What's your personality type?

Psychogeometrics is a system that classifies everyone into one of five personality types according to a preference for particular shapes. Draw a square, a triangle, a circle, a rectangle and a little scruffy squiggle with a pencil. Study them and choose which shape you feel most drawn to. When you havedone this, read out the corresponding personality assessment and marvel at its accuracy.

Square lovers are sticklers. They are orderly, dotting every "i", crossing every "t" and observing correct process in everything. They are interested in how things get done, always on time and can be unforgiving if others don't show the same concern for the clock.

Those who choose the triangle are go-getting born leaders. They are interested in success, the bottom line and will generally get what they aim for, often ending up running their own businesses or heading corporations. They can be brusque with others' feelings. It's not that they can't be empathetic, it's just they want results - now.

Circle lovers just want people to get on. They are more interested in relationships than anything else and will often provide the empathy that oils the wheels of others' disagreements. They are peacemakers, likely to be family- and home-orientated, good listeners, and interested in ecological issues.

Those attracted to the rectangle are at a transitional stage.
The shape that draws itself to him a little less than the rectangle may be his real personality type. But at the moment he is undergoing some great change and is slightly unsure of himself.

The squiggle is the joker in the pack, likely to be highly creative and high-octane. Squiggle lovers can be anarchic, preferring fun to anything else. As a result their successes are often matched by equally substantial disasters. They are multi-taskers, often starting 15 things at once and finishing, well, maybe some of them.

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