Monday, September 29, 2008

A Call to the Nation

"Help your church to grow" - a 2005 report reprinted in 2008

I was recommended to read this by a flyer, with a personal note attached over the initials JW, which possibly points to Rev Jonathan Willans, Anglican President of 'The Christian Party':
"Knowing your views, I think you will be very encouraged by this. It featured on BBC2 Newsnight and has gone to 17000 churches for discussion. You will find it an invaluable tool at this time of crisis".
I don't know how he came by my name and address - possibly my views from this blog. Anyway maybe others would like to take a look and make comment here.

  • Reprinted in 2008
  • For all Christians to read and share
  • Unique thought provoking document
  • Sent to thousands of churches
  • Ideas for sermons and church magazines
  • Highlights what needs to be done
  • Prophetic warnings concerning our nation
  • Distributed in partnership with the Christian Party

"This report confirms my belief that Christians can no longer sit back. We must mix our prayers with clearly identifiable service in the political arena; being both salt and light.
It is for this purpose that the Christian Party exists."

Revd George Hargreaves, Leader of The Christian Party

"This report is essential reading for those concerned about the growth of their church, giving valuable suggestions and ideas on increasing attendance"

Background to the Church Survey Report

In 2005 the Church Survey Report entitled ‘Help your church grow’ was first published and since then it has been sent to thousands of churches. It reveals why church-going is declining in the UK and Ireland. It highlights the need for Christians of all denominations to stand together and speak with one voice. It is a call to church and nation.

The report is essential reading for those who are concerned about the decline of church- going and the state of Christianity in general in the UK. The results of ‘The Church Survey’ compiled by the Ecumenical Research Committee provides everyone (of whatever denomination) with ideas and suggestions ‘from the grassroots’ on how to reverse this decline and draw people back into the church and properly promote the Christian Faith. Over the past few years moral values have been rejected by many in society and church attendance in mainstream denominations is in freefall. Four out of five churches are either declining or simply static. What is causing this erosion of values? Why are people turning away from the church? More to the point, what can be done about it?

The inter-denominational Ecumenical Research Committee was established under the chairmanship of an Anglican Priest the Revd Jonathan Willans. It examined exactly what people needed from their church and revealed that Christians urgently want the church to take the lead in promoting beliefs and morals and to make a stand against the tide of secularism destroying our nation.

The survey was conducted between September 2003 to September 2004 and provided individuals at ‘the grassroots’ with a unique opportunity to speak for themselves and explain what they needed from their churches, without fear of discrimination or reproach. This document is an indispensable summary and compilation of the main points raised by the 14,000 people who responded. It gives a fascinating insight into what they need churches and their clergy to provide and what they say will make church attendance more helpful and relevant.

It is an invaluable resource for congregations who wish to grow and it is packed with tips and recommendations, all having come from ‘the people in the pews’. This report is ‘the people’s voice’, these are their views and these are the things they believe will strengthen Christianity across the nation.

Why a Christian Party?

Three years ago the results of a nationwide church survey were published. It highlighted the need for Christians to stand up for their beliefs and resist the tide of secularism and immorality that is destroying our country. The report entitled ‘Help your church grow: let the people speak’, revealed that across the UK, people were increasingly alarmed at the moral and spiritual state of the nation and urgently wanted Christian leaders to break their silence, “stand up to be counted” and say “enough is enough.”

The aim of The Christian Party is to do this – with your help. It is a much needed voice for Christian communities across the nation, to ensure that the message of the Bible will be heard and heard where it matters!

Many of those who responded to the survey were in despair at the failure of many ‘mainstream churches’ to provide a robust stand in defence of Christian beliefs and values. The voice of the once mighty church is now a mere whisper. This meant that if the Christian message was to be heard boldly and distinctly another way had to be found – hence The Christian Party.

In the report people commented “with society in its present state church ministers should be playing a leading role in guiding people towards the straight and narrow path…. yet every time a major issue arises, from pornography on TV to the morning after pill, all we hear is silence…. it is little wonder the faithful are losing heart and losing respect for some churches.”

The Christian Party however, will not be silent! Whatever your denomination, whatever your churchmanship, the report clearly shows that the time has come to unite and stand together for the Christian faith and all it represents. God has reserved a faithful remnant in these turbulent times as a light and guide to those who are in darkness and despair. People are lost and confused and do not know where to turn. Now is the time to join together, so that the light of the Gospel may be seen by everyone and the voice of truth be heard by all. Chapter 4 contains chilling prophecies of what will happen if the UK fails to repent and return to the laws of God.

Together The Church Survey Report and The Christian Party call for the church and nation to restore God to his rightful place in our society.

Commenting on The Church Survey Report, the Revd George Hargreaves, Leader of The Christian Party had this to say:

“This report confirms my belief that Christians can no longer sit back. We must mix our prayers with clearly identifiable service in the political arena; being both salt and light. It is for this purpose that The Christian Party exists.”

We sincerely hope and pray that after reading this report, you will be moved to join The Christian Party.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Petros, how do I communicate with you without publishing my comment? I tried yesterday and inadvertently published my private email address in the belief that it would only be accessed by the author!! If you can, can you remove that immediately so that I am not bombarded with spam mail. Sorry to bother you. Thanks.

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