Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Fable

Ther once was a young knight on a fine horse, riding through a forest on quest. He wore bright armour and a splendid sword, and his eyes were alight with the hope of glory. One fair morning, with sunlight dappling the path, the knight came upon a child at play. The boy was dressed roughly, in a tunic of plain homespun, and he was not very clean. He had a crude wooden sword with which he was pretending to fight invisible enemies.

"I give you good morning, young sir," said the knight with a smile - for, especially on quest, he was very polite to everyone. "I see you are training yourself to fight the king's enemies."

"Not at all," said the child, making no effort at courtesy. "I am training myself to fight whomever I please. I will fight you right now, though you think I'm not big enough."

"How now, my fierce young friend," said the knight, still smiling. "I serve the king and our Lord Jesus. What pretence, other than some whilom whim, could you have for fighting me?!!"

"I am already fighting you" said the child. "I am your pride. Though I seem small and silly now, I will look dangerous enough if you let me grow into it."

The knight grew sober. "I see it may be that I have been called on quest to engage in mortal combat against my besetting sin. But how shall I know that you speak the truth?"

"Do you fear me?" asked the child.

The knight laughed gently. "No, for you are small, untrained and ill armed."

"You should fear me," said the child grimly. "I will be your death someday. You should slay me now, before I can give you a fight."

The knight paused a moment in thought. Then he dismounted, removed his sword and his armour and laid them on the ground in front of the child. Knowing his horse would return to the stable it was used to, he sent it away with a soft word and a pat on the rump. Turning to the child, he said, "Your warning is welcome, young sir. What I would have used to build my pride, I leave for you, or for whoever passes by. For myself, I will trust the Lord." Then he walked on along the forest path, dressed as simply as the child. 

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