Monday, October 06, 2008

Prayer and Solitude

Today is the feast day of St Bruno, founder of the Carthusians.

The Carthusian Order


The Order was founded by Saint Bruno in 1084 and comprises a masculine and a feminine branch.At present, the Order is composed of about 450 monks and nuns who live a solitary life at the heart of the Church; there are 24 Houses in three continents, all dedicated exclusively to the contemplative life.

Contemplative monks and nuns

The Carthusians consecrate their lives entirely to prayer and seeking God in the secret of their hearts. They intercede for the Church and for the salvation of the whole world. Their life finds its balance around three axes:silence, solitude, living in cell;prayer in common in the church, three times a day, as well as some fraternal meetings;their own liturgy, adapted to their style of life and the small number of religious.

Solitary life

“Our principal endeavour and goal is to devote ourselves to the silence and solitude of cell…There is the faithful soul frequently united with the Word of God; there is the bride made one with her spouse; there is earth joined to heaven, the divine to the human.”Statutes 4.1


All live a very solitary life of prayer and work, in cell for some, while others are more dedicated to the daily tasks of the monastery.

Carthusian solitude is not total, but is balanced by a share of community life, in particular by the conventual Eucharist, the long night vigils and Vespers.

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