Friday, December 25, 2009


O Shepherd of Israel and Ruler of the house of David, whose goings forth have been from of old, from ancient days: Come and feed Thy people in the strength of the Lord, and reign in judgment and righteousness.

Micah v. 2, 4; Ezekiel xxxiv. 16, &c.; Isaiah xxxii, 16, &c; Psalm lxxx. 1.

O Lord Jesu Christ, the true Shepherd whom the LORD promised
to set up over His people Israel,
to tend and rule them in judgment and righteousness;
Thou art the Eternal Son of the Father,
one with Him in majesty and might;
none can pluck out of Thy hand the sheep
for whom Thou didst lay down Thy life.
Come, we pray Thee, and tend the sheep and lambs of Thy flock,
protect them from the attacks of the enemy,
and bring them in safety to Thy everlasting fold

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