Saturday, January 02, 2010

The 'Devine Prayer'

(from a Barnsley market footwear trader, John Devine)

DEVINE FOOTWEAR is brought to you by Michael and Archie Devine,we are brothers who aim to bring you quality footwear at internet prices.We have a wide selection of WOMANS SHOES and BOOTS,MENS SAFETY FOOTWEAR,brand name TRAINERS and CHILDRENS SHOES.We are adding to our range all the time and are also on the WORLD WIDE WEB under look forward to your custom and will do our utmost to make your shopping with us an experience you will want to repeat.

I thank thee Lord for giving us feet,
For they are the means by which we eat,
I thank thee for giving them out in twos,
For I can sell twice as many shoes.
I thank thee for grown ups and their nippers,
For each of them needs a pair of slippers.
I thank thee for snow storms and foul weather,
When everyone needs boots made of leather.
I will forgive thee, Lord, for giving us misers,
And people who want out of stock sizes.
I thank thee for how my life thou handles,
And praise thee more for promoting sandals.
I try to overlook thou sends us floods,
For sales of Wellingtons are sure to be good.
I thank thee for giving me a voice so loud,
They can hear me even at the back of the crowd.
Forgive me when I swear when people clammer,
For bargains that fall at the strike of my hammer.
Lord, I will give thee everything that's mine,
For, Lord, I know your name is 'Devine'.

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